A to Z Blogging Challenge - Letter PLast spring I had this big plan to plant a pet friendly garden in the backyard of our new townhome. As you may know, we no longer live there and were somewhat forced into a two bedroom apartment with no yard.

At first I thought my dreams of a beautiful garden went out the door, but then I realized flowers can grow on balconies too. Last year I purchased a few hanging baskets and planted my own window box.

I started learning that not all flowers are pet friendly. I wanted Luna to be able to enjoy the balcony too, so I started searching for beautiful but safe flowers.

Last year, I started with Petunias. They are easy, love sunlight, and are beautiful. Petunias come in a variety of color options too.

Planting Lavender and Petunias

Planting Lavender and Petunias

This year I expanded my search and have included a more variety of plants. I’m trying to plant my own Petunias and Lavender. I also picked up some ready to plant flowers from Home Depot.

Picking up pet friendly flowers and soil from Home Depot

Picking up pet friendly flowers and soil from Home Depot

Here is what I am planting this year:


Great for hanging baskets, pots, or bedding. Multiple colors available. Love sun. Water regularly. Prune dead flowers to prolong blooming.



Calming effects for people and dogs. Full sun and dry soils.



Vibrant yellow color. Perennial. Grow in sunny location.



Multiple colors. Full or partial sun. Dry soils.



Multiple vibrant colors. Shade and moisture. Great for hanging baskets or bedding.


Spider Plant

Spider Plant
Can grow indoors all year round. I’ve had mine for a few years. Grow in sunlight. Don’t over-water.


Other pet friendly plants include:

Gerber DaisyOrchidP-pincushion2RoseSunflowerThea JaponicaTickseedAfrican VioletZinnia


Plants to look out for:

Stargazer Lily

The Lily is very popular around this time of year, but it is very poisonous to cats. Research has not proven toxicity to dogs.


The typical Begonia that can be found is toxic to both dogs and cats. There are certain varieties of Begonia that are not toxic. These include Peace Begonia, Trailing Begonia, Elephant-Ear Begonia, Mapleleaf Begonia, Metallic Leaf Begonia, Rex Begonia, Watermelon Begonia, and Iron Cross Begonia. There are over 1,000 species of Begonias, so be careful when you choose one.

Grape Hyacinth

The Hyacinth is also very popular this time of year. Again, the typical Easter season Hyacinth is poisonous to both dogs and cats. There are at least three varieties that are not toxic: Summer Hyacinth, Wild Hyacinth, and Grape Hyacinth.


Other poisonous plants include:

Sweet Pea
Morning Glory

If you have question about the toxicity of any other plant, check out ASPCA’s Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant Guide. I refer to it all the time.

What pet friendly plants will you be planting this year? Did we miss any of your favorites on our list?

In case you have missed any, you can find all my A to Z posts here.

Jessica Shipman
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