House plants can bring life into a room even in the dead of winter. They add an extra pop of color and bring a bit of nature inside. I like to think of all my house plants and cut flowers as boosting my Room/Environment meter like characters in The Sims.

For as long as I can remember, I have always had indoor plants. As a kid, my mom took care of them. But when I shipped off to college, I brought with me a few trusty IKEA Bamboo plants. MOST of those plants are still alive today (7 years later). The moral of this story is – If I, as a college freshman, avoided murdering multiple Bamboo plants (we won’t talk about the Cacti), then you can too.

So now that I have convinced you that you too can grow plants indoors, we need to talk about safety. Pet safety that is, since I certainly hope you know well enough not to eat all your house plants.

Fortunately many common house plants are pet safe!

Safe Indoor House Plants for Dogs

Which Indoor Plants Do I Have?

African Violet
These beautiful flowering plants grow well in indirect sunlight. They are also known as “gift plants” because just planting one of their fuzzy leaves will result in a baby plant! Great pet safe option for Spring and Easter flowers.

Spider Plant
Though it isn’t impossible to kill (trust me, I know), this plant is extremely adaptable and easy to grow. The plant has many long skinny leaves spilling out from the center and will eventually flower. These flowers will grow into smaller spider-like plants (or spiderettes), which will dangle down from the mother plant. You can plant these spiderettes to grow a whole new plant! The Spider Plant is also believed to help reduce indoor air pollution.

This plant acts as a symbol in many cultures for longevity and friendship. Though not all types of Bamboo can grow indoors, those that can are a good option for small spaces since they mostly grow vertically.

Bromeliads and Orchids
These beautiful, exotic, and flowering plants add pops of bright color in addition to their leafy greens. Bromeliads are a bit more challenging to maintain and may be difficult for beginners or forgetful plant waterers.

Chickens and Hens
Okay, I don’t actually have this plant yet, but I’m going to find one this weekend. The Chickens and Hens or Hens and Chickens (which came first?) are rose-like clusters of thick leaves. These plants also produce new rosettes, which can be potted as a whole new plant. They are cactus like in their growing needs, so I’m guessing these little guys might be a little tricky if you have a tendency to over water.

More Dog Safe House Plant Options:

Aluminum PlantBaby’s TearsBlue Echeveria
Burro’s TailCamelliaCast-Iron Plant
Chocolate SoldierChristmas CactusEarth Star
Gerber DaisyGloxiniaHoya
ImpatiensLady SlipperMosaic Plant
Pearl PlantBaby Rubber PlantPrayer Plant
Velvet PlantWandering Jew

Dog Safe Ferns:

Bold Sword FernBoston FernButton Fern
Carrot FernChristmas Dagger FernCommon Staghorn Fern
Dainty Rabbit’s Foot FernFish Tail FernHare’s Foot Fern
King and Queen FernLemon Button FernMoss Fern
Silver Table Fern

Dog Safe Palms:

Areca Palm Bamboo PalmCurly Palm
Canary Date PalmDwarf Date PalmDwarf Feather Palm
Feather PalmFigleaf PalmFortunes Palm
Kentia PalmLady PalmMajesty Palm
Manila PalmMiniature Date PalmParlor Palm
Pony Tail Palm

Keep in mind when you are purchasing plants or seeds that many of these plants have quite a few common names.

Which house plants do you currently have?

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Jessica Shipman
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