A to Z Blogging Challenge - Letter WWe have a busy, busy weekend planned, so today’s post will be mostly photos.

Since we live in an apartment Luna gets multiple walks each day and because the beautiful weather has finally arrived we are spending more and more time outside. Luna loves to stop and smell everything, as do most other Beagles.

For the sake of the letter W, don’t forget to read all about Wineries in Virginia from our post yesterday!

Luna points the way she wants to go on our walk.

Luna points the way she wants to go on our walk.

Hey, What's that over there?

Hey, What’s that over there?

Beagles tend to walk with their nose to the ground.

Beagles tend to walk with their nose to the ground.

Luna smiles after a good walk in the sunshine.

Luna smiles after a good walk in the sunshine.

Where is your favorite place to go on a walk?

There are only THREE letters left in the A to Z Challenge! In case you have missed any, you can find all my A to Z posts here.

Jessica Shipman
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