Tomorrow, as long as weather permits, usually ends in a big bang. The Fourth of July is the day we in America celebrate our Independence with cookouts and fireworks.

Unfortunately, all this commotion outdoors can be troublesome or even dangerous for our furry friends.

Infographic provided by Tagg

Infographic provided by Tagg

Lucky for us, pet bloggers are working to help spread the message about just how to have a pet safe Fourth of July. Today I’ll be sharing some of my favorite tips.

For dogs, fireworks are no laughing matter and The Chronicles of Cardigan can help you understand that with a quick multiple choice quiz.

Our kitty friends don’t like fireworks either, but Playful Kitty has some calming ideas for cats.

Over at Lola the Pitty, a dog will tell you just why loud noises are so darn scary.

The Lazy Pitbull has some ideas on toxins to avoid at your BBQs and how to prepare for the worst.

If celebrated right, the Fourth of July can be fun for everybody!

If celebrated right, the Fourth of July can be fun for everybody!

Sugar the Golden Retriever does not like fireworks, but has tips on how to soothe the situation.

July 4th may be tomorrow, but you can still plan ahead and FidoUniverse has some ideas on how to be prepared.

Ever thought about trying to desensitize your dog to fireworks? Seattle DogSpot has ideas on how, plus 9 other great tips.

The big day can be stressful, but breaks down what you need to do in 10 easy steps.

Luna has actually never heard fireworks, but our friends at Life with Beagle have plenty of experience from the theme parks in Orlando, FL.

Luna celebrates my birthday with me last year.

Luna celebrates my birthday with me last year.

Independence Day also happens to be my birthday, so Luna will be spending the day with me, but we’ll be at a pet safe winery far far far away from any fireworks. She will be wearing all her tags and have up to date contact information registered to her microchip. Please do the same!

Keep an eye out for my birthday wishlist tomorrow morning!

Jessica Shipman
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