A few weeks ago I was spoiled by my friends and family with wonderful gifts for my birthday. I recruited Luna to help me send a few thank you notes in the form of this blog post.

So as the great Jimmy Fallon once said:

Dear Friends,
Thank you…

For some light reading.

Thank you for some light reading.

For a peek into Luna’s thoughts.

Thank you for a peek into Luna's thoughts.

For a way to stay warm in summer.

Thank you for a way to stay warm in summer.

For a chance to relax.

Thank you for a chance to relax.

For a new way to be extra creepy.

Thank you for a new way to be extra creepy.

For help in finding my keys.

Thank you for help in finding my keys.

For a delicious treat.

Thank you for a delicious treat.

For knowing all good things come in threes.

Thank you for knowing all good things come in odd numbers.

For help making Luna look like a rock star.

Thank you for help making Luna look like a rock star.

For quenching my thirst.

Thank you for quenching my thirst.

For a way to swing in the breeze.

Thank you for a way to swing with the breeze.

For the truth.

Thank you for the truth.

Thank you to everyone who celebrated with me both in person and virtually!

Jessica Shipman
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