A few weeks ago, I was visiting I Still Want More Puppies when I learned about an upcoming Pet Blogger Gift Exchange that she was hosting along with Something Wagging This Way Comes.
I love gifts.
I love giving gifts.
AND I love gift exchanges! So naturally I joined.

I am relatively new to blogging (est. 2/14/13), so I was not surprised when I was paired with a blog completely new to me. I was thrilled to visit The Poodle (and dog) blog for the first time.
It was so good, I had to keep going back for more!

The Poodle (and dog) blog – Photo borrowed*
Fortunately, Jan and her dogs (Misty, Timmy, Chamois, and Tudee) and cat (Taki) have been posting blog gold since 2005.
That is eight years. Eight! What an inspiration.
The Poodle (and dog) blog features posts that show how man’s best friend is remarkable, ordinary, and funny. Jan and her blog’s topics may be all over the place, but they will surely put you in a good mood as all her posts are upbeat and full of happy endings.
My gift to Jan and The Poodle (and dog) blog is a special Pinterest board full of funny and heart warming posts. I’ll be adding to it overtime, but there are 25 great posts to start!
You can find it here.
But this isn’t even the tip of the iceberg, so you should definitely take a trip over to The Poodle (and dog) blog and leave some gift exchange love!
What is your favorite The Poodle (and dog) blog post?
*Photos were borrowed from The Poodle (and dog) blog without direct permission, so I hope it is okay.
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