This weekend we attended the Pet Fiesta in the Reston Town Center.

So many pets and people were out celebrating!

So many pets and people were out celebrating!

There was so much to see. Where do we begin?

There was so much to see. Where do we begin?

There were a lot of animal rescues like HART, the rescue I adopted Luna from.

There were a lot of animal rescues like HART, the rescue I adopted Luna from.

We saw so many great pet products and even ran into Kajo Pets again!

We saw so many great pet products and even ran into Kajo Pets again!

We loved being outside in the beautiful weather.

We loved being outside in the beautiful weather.

My boyfriend found Luna some tasty snacks from DoodyCalls-- Don't worry there was no real poop, just prizes!

My boyfriend found Luna some tasty snacks from DoodyCalls– Don’t worry there was no real poop, just prizes!

After the Fiesta, we relaxed at the park and ate lunch.

After the Fiesta, we relaxed at the park and ate lunch.

Luna wants her lunch.

Luna wants her lunch. Did you bring it?

How was your Cinco de Mayo?

This post is part of the BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop. Take a look at other Blog Hop posts by clicking below! Happy Hopping!


Jessica Shipman
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