Last week Luna was hiding under the covers in anticipation of a huge snow fall. Thursday brought all that snow and more!

Luna and I climb the tallest snow mountain left behind by the winter storm.

Luna and I climb the tallest snow mountain left behind by the winter storm.

About a foot and a half of snow could be found on and around my car. It was a blast to clean off.

It was also a blast to watch Luna hop from place to place instead of walking. She was puzzled by the mountains of white stuff, but enjoyed every minute of rolling in it, jumping in it, and even tasting it a little.

Luna peers out over the snow. Does it ever end?

Luna peers out over the snow. Does it ever end?

Fortunately, a lot of snow allows for giant snowmen to be built. Luna lent a paw by digging in the snow.

A good looking snowman built with love and paws.

A good looking snowman built with love and paws.

The only real downside of the snowfall was that it postpone a Virginia pet bloggers meetup. Luckily, we are still able to gather this weekend and I am surely looking forward to it!

How do you and your pets react to lots of snow?

This post is part of the BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop. Take a look at other Blog Hop posts by clicking below! Happy Hopping!


Jessica Shipman
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