Beagles and Bargains A to Z Challenge Wrap Up with BIG news

I tackled a big challenge last month: The April A to Z Blogging Challenge.

This challenge encourages bloggers to post everyday (except Sunday) by following the alphabet.

I decided to go for it and I am glad I did.

It was tons of fun to come up with creative post ideas and it really forced me to get organized, which I so desperately needed to do.

Along the way, I also started following a few blogs I hadn’t before like the Groovy Goldendoodles and Bernie the Frenchie. I also got back in the habit of visiting some old favorites like Slimdoggy and Cascadian Nomads.

Our top 5 posts were:
Clear Conscience Pet Review
Alcott Sleeping Bag Review (Giveaway is open through 5/3!)
Florida Hosts the Global Pet Expo
Zelda’s Song Review (Giveaway is open through 5/12!)
Accepting Luna

Thank you so much for all your support!

While posting every day was fun, we’ll be switching back to post every 2-3 days. We already have a bunch of fun reviews, giveaways, and pet friendly Virginia posts lined up!

So what is the exciting news?

Luna had her first TV experience!

Luna during her first TV appearance

Luna during her first TV appearance

Luna was asked to model pet safe clothing while Pawtopia‘s Dog Trainer Colleen Demling could speak to the topic.

She may have started howling and run off screen, but she did look cute in her dress. A beagle can only sit still for so long, you know.

If you live in the Washington DC area and get ABC’s News Channel 8 be sure to tune into The Pet Show with Dr. Katy at 11 AM on Saturday, May 3, 2014!

For those of you, who aren’t in the area we’ll share a clip as soon as we get one.

UPDATE: Click here to view the whole episode and see Luna’s TV debut!

Jessica Shipman
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